Nintendo Direct September - Was it Lame? BONUS POINTS - Mario Bros Cast
The Lamers Gamers Travis and Rowdy talk about the Nintendo Direct and try to determine...was it lame? Also featuring BONUS POINTS where we asked a bunch of Lamers the question - Who would you cast in the new Mario Bros movie? Impressions of Tales of Arise, Cruis'n Blast and more!The Lamers Gamers Travis and Rowdy talk about the Nintendo Direct and try to determine...was it lame? Also featuring BONUS POINTS where we asked a bunch of Lamers the question - Who would you cast in the new Mario Bros movie? Impressions of Tales of Arise, Cruis'n Blast and more!
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Lamer Gamers Podcast 🎮🎤🎧
Lame Gaming News Podcast, Sidequests, BONUS POINTS, and more! Find us on your favorite player or at https://t.co/0KBJvftN5b

Rowdy 5000 🎮🎹
Gamer and Musician. Co-Host and Editor of the @LamerGamersCast Like that music on the podcast? It's made by this guy. Music and video games is what I do.