Steam vs Nintendo - Is Steam Deck the Nintendo Switch Killer?
The Lamer Gamers (featuring Lord Kromdore the ruler of the PC Elite) pit the Steam Deck against the Nintendo Switch in an attempt to determine if the new Steam console will be a Nintendo Switch killer! Also, we have a July 2021 Gaming News Roundup featuring Nintendo, Sony, and Xbox/Game Pass news! All this and more!The Lamer Gamers *featuring Lord Kromdore the ruler of the PC Elite) pit the Steam Deck against the Nintendo Switch in an attempt to determine if the new Steam console will be a Nintendo Switch killer! Also, we have a July 2021 Gaming News Roundup featuring Nintendo, Sony, and Xbox/Game Pass news! All this and more!
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Rowdy 5000 🎮🎹
Gamer and Musician. Co-Host and Editor of the @LamerGamersCast Like that music on the podcast? It's made by this guy. Music and video games is what I do.